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Do you know a family affected by cancer that could use a great day?

Nominate that family now


The December 5th Fund’s mission is to give an amazing day without worry to a family dealing with cancer. While the family is out enjoying their day, our volunteers are back at their home tackling household chores often ignored when someone in the family has cancer. When the family returns, it’s to a house of hope and love, not a to-do list.

Tell us why you think a family with cancer needs a great day. Please make sure to read the requirements and the form carefully and submit the required information.


  • The family member MUST be undergoing some form of treatment for cancer. This includes chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, immunotherapy, targeted therapy, hormone therapy, stem cell transplant, or precision medicine.
  • If the person with cancer is in remission or near remission, congratulations... our support is not needed!
  • By nominating someone, YOU or SOMEONE YOU KNOW will be the primary point of contact for the entire planning phase. You must be privy to treatment schedules and personal schedules in order for us to plan the best day possible for this family.
  • View the map below to see the areas that we potentially serve.


email us at



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